The dynamic surface evolution of halide perovskites induced by external energy stimulation


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Tracking the dynamic surface evolution of metal halide perovskite is crucial for understanding the corresponding fundamental principles of photoelectric properties and intrinsic instability. However, due to the volatility elements and soft lattice nature of perovskites, several important dynamic behaviors remain unclear. Here, an ultra-high vacuum (UHV) interconnection system integrated by surface-sensitive probing techniques has been developed to investigate the freshly cleaved surface of CH3NH3PbBr3 in situ under given energy stimulation. On this basis, the detailed three-step chemical decomposition pathway of perovskites has been clarified. Meanwhile, the evolution of crystal structure from cubic phase to tetragonal phase on the perovskite surface has been revealed under energy stimulation. Accompanied by chemical composition and crystal structure evolution, electronic structure changes including energy level position, hole effective mass, and Rashba splitting have also been accurately determined. These findings provide a clear perspective on the physical origin of optoelectronic properties and the decomposition mechanism of perovskites. By developing an integrated ultra-high vacuum interconnect system with surface-sensitive detection technology, the dynamic evolution of perovskite surfaces under external energy stimulation has been deciphered. This encompasses insights into chemical degradation pathways, crystal, and electronic structure evolution, paving the way for designing and synthesizing highly stable halide perovskite materials.
metal halide perovskite,external energy stimulation,surface dynamic evolution,surface electronic structure,ultra-high vacuum interconnection system
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