Binocular reconstruction of breaking ship bow waves in circulating water channel

Ocean Engineering(2024)

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This study conducts an experiment on the bow waves generated by a 1:80 KRISO container ship (KCS) model in a circulating water channel. The Froude numbers (characterized by the length of perpendiculars) reach high conditions of 0.377, 0.424, and 0.471. A binocular imaging system is employed to reconstruct three-dimensional configurations of the bow wave surface. The dynamic characteristics of bow wave fields are investigated by observing the standard deviation and employing the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) method. The power spectral density function presents a power-law relationship with frequency. A novel technique referred as Stereoscopic Foam Image Velocimetry (SFIV) is developed to extract the instantaneous three-dimensional velocity of the foam in breaking area. The velocity field obtained through SFIV defines the nominal time-averaged velocity and nominal turbulent energy. A correlation mapping from pixel coordinates to world coordinates is established to evaluate the actual physical uncertainty. The results demonstrate the superior spatiotemporal accuracy and resolution of binocular imaging technology in measuring the characteristics of bow waves. This research provides significant experimental data of surface three-dimensional configurations for the bow waves breaking issues at high Froude numbers.
Bow wave,Wave breaking,Binocular imaging,POD,Stereoscopic foam image velocimetry
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