Screening for anxiety in adolescents: Validation of the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7 in a representative sample of adolescents

Journal of Affective Disorders(2024)

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Background Symptoms of emotional regulation disorders, such as those related to anxiety disorders, are one of the main challenges of public among young people. Objectives This study validated the Spanish Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7 (GAD-7) scores in a representative sample of adolescents. Method A total of 2235 students (M = 14.49 years; SD = 1.76; 52.9 % women), selected by stratified random sampling from 34 schools, participated in the survey. Results The unidimensional model of the GAD-7 showed adequate goodness-of-fit indices. Scalar measurement invariance was found by gender and age. The reliability of the total score was 0.90. The GAD-7 was positively associated with symptoms of depression, negative affect, and emotional and behavioral problems, and negatively associated with positive affect and quality of life. Limitations First, although the sample is large and representative, it is important to note that it belongs to a specific Spanish autonomous community (La Rioja), which may limit the generalizability of the results. Second, self-reports were used to assess all psychological indicators, with their known limitations. Finally, the cross-sectional nature of this study means that it is impossible to draw conclusions about causal relationships. Conclusions The GAD-7 is a brief, easy, and reliable tool for assessing self-reported anxiety symptoms in educational contexts. The GAD-7 can be used as a screening tool for early detection and monitoring of anxiety symptoms during adolescence.
Anxiety,Adolescents,Assessment,Screening,GAD-7,Mental health
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