Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU): Trial Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Future Clinical Trials

Haiyan Liu,J. Li, E. Ziegemeier, S. Adams, E. McDade, D. B. Clifford, Y. Cao, G. Wang, Y. Li, S. L. Mills, A. M. Santacruz, S. Belyew, J. D. Grill, B. J. Snider, C. J. Mummery, G. Surti, D. Hannequin, D. Wallon, S. B. Berman, I. Z. Jimenez-Velazquez,E. D. Roberson, C. H. van Dyck, L. S. Honig, R. Sanchez-Valle, W. S. Brooks, S. Gauthier, D. Galasko, C. L. Masters, J. Brosch, G.-Y. R. Hsiung, S. Jayadev, M. Formaglio, M. Masellis, R. Clarnette, J. Pariente, B. Dubois, F. Pasquier, R. J. Bateman,Jorge J. Llibre-Guerra

The Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease(2024)

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Clinical trial satisfaction is increasingly important for future trial designs and is associated with treatment adherence and willingness to enroll in future research studies or to recommend trial participation. In this post-trial survey, we examined participant satisfaction and attitudes toward future clinical trials in the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU). We developed an anonymous, participant satisfaction survey tailored to participants enrolled in the DIAN-TU-001 double-blind clinical trial of solanezumab or gantenerumab and requested that all study sites share the survey with their trial participants. A total of 194 participants enrolled in the trial at 24 study sites. We utilized regression analysis to explore the link between participants’ clinical trial experiences, their satisfaction, and their willingness to participate in upcoming trials. Survey responses were received over a sixteen-month window during 2020–2021 from 58 participants representing 15 study sites. Notably, 96.5
Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Disease (DIAD),Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network-Trial Unit (DIAN-TU),Alzheimer’s Disease (AD),Clinical trial satisfaction,Home Health Nursing (HHN)
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