Clippers are superior to scissors in the collection of hair for chemical analysis in companion dogs: a Dog Aging Project preliminary study

Bobbie Ditzler,Jeremy B. Evans, Kate Illing,Matt Kaeberlein, Daniel E. L. Promislow,Eleanor Brindle, Jessica M. Hoffman,Kate E. Creevy


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OBJECTIVE To identify the safest, most efficient method for hair sample collection from companion dogs among clippers, scis - sors, and razors and to validate obtained samples with cortisol concentration analysis. ANIMALS 25 healthy, privately owned dogs. METHODS 2 hair samples were collected from each dog's ischiatic region with different implements (scissors, razors, or clip - pers). The collecting clinician completed a Hair Collection Questionnaire (HCQ) for each sample that compared subjective sample quality, time of collection, restraint needed, and patient experience. Each sample was evaluated by cortisol enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS Clippers had higher overall HCQ scores than scissors, and scissors had higher HCQ scores than razors. Collection was faster for clippers than scissors, and scissors were faster than razors. There were no differences in sample qual - ity between scissors and clippers, and sample quality was lower with razors. There was no difference in restraint needed or patient experience. Collection of long hair had higher HCQ scores than collection of medium and short hair. Collection of hair from dogs with an undercoat had higher HCQ scores than collection of hair from dogs without an undercoat. Dog size had no effect on HCQ score. Hair cortisol concentration did not vary between scissors or clippers ( P = .111). Hair color and age did not affect hair cortisol concentration ( P = .966 and P = .676, respectively). CLINICAL RELEVANCE Clippers are recommended for hair sample collection from companion dogs. Scissors are an adequate alternative.
hair collection,scissors,clippers,dog,cortisol
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