Pre-distortion adaptive optics: experimental results from bi-directional tracking links between DLR’s optical ground station and Alphasat’s TDP-1 terminal

Ilija R. Hristovski, Adrian Romero Campelo, Bruno Femenia Castella, Esther Doensdorf-Sternal, Alexandru Duliu, Stefanie Haeusler,Jonathan F. Holzman, Kai Klemich,Douglas J. Laidlaw, Thomas Marynowski, Jonas W. Muegge,Juraj Poliak, Johannes Prell, Samuele Raffa, Linus A. Reger, Jonas Rittershofer,Karen Saucke, Veronica Spirito, Joana S. Torres, Paul Wagner,Andrew P. Reeves

Free-Space Laser Communications XXXVI(2024)

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