MAP-Elites with Transverse Assessment for Multimodal Problems in Creative Domains

International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design(2024)

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The recent advances in language-based generative models have paved the way for the orchestration of multiple generators of different artefact types (text, image, audio, etc.) into one system. Presently, many open-source pre-trained models combine text with other modalities, thus enabling shared vector embeddings to be compared across different generators. Within this context we propose a novel approach to handle multimodal creative tasks using Quality Diversity evolution. Our contribution is a variation of the MAP-Elites algorithm, MAP-Elites with Transverse Assessment (MEliTA), which is tailored for multimodal creative tasks and leverages deep learned models that assess coherence across modalities. MEliTA decouples the artefacts' modalities and promotes cross-pollination between elites. As a test bed for this algorithm, we generate text descriptions and cover images for a hypothetical video game and assign each artefact a unique modality-specific behavioural characteristic. Results indicate that MEliTA can improve text-to-image mappings within the solution space, compared to a baseline MAP-Elites algorithm that strictly treats each image-text pair as one solution. Our approach represents a significant step forward in multimodal bottom-up orchestration and lays the groundwork for more complex systems coordinating multimodal creative agents in the future.
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