Geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of shales from the early to middle Permian Dohol Formation in Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for organic matter enrichment, provenance, tectonic setting, palaeoweathering and paleoclimate


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The early to middle Permian Dohol Formation is characterized by a significant presence of shale deposits. While these shales exhibit a low potential to generate hydrocarbons, there is a need to ascertain the possible reasons for the low hydrocarbon generation potential. Also, there are several unidentified properties and attributes associated with these shales in terms of their inorganic geochemical characteristics and their mineralogy. This study is focused on using XRF, ICPMS, and SEM with EDX to determine the mineralogical and geochemical aspects of these shales and use these data to discuss their provenance history and tectonic setting and interpret the paleoclimatic and paleoweathering conditions. The inorganic geochemical analysis shows that the shales from the Dohol Formation are from a felsic igneous source. The shales were also identified to be from a passive margin based on the bivariate plot of SiO2 vs log (K2O/Na2O) and several multidimensional diagram plots. The CIA and CIW data, as well as the A–CN–K plot, all point to a significant degree of chemical weathering, ranging from mild to intense. The Sr/Cu ratio and C-value, combined with various other geochemical proxies, indicate that the shales were formed in warm-humid climatic conditions. The SEM analysis shows that the samples are mainly composed of kaolinite and illite, and this result was supported by the EDX elemental composition.The high terrigenous influx of sediments, the oxic to sub-oxic conditions in which the sediments were deposited, the low marine productivity, and finally the tectonically active depositional environment were found to be the reasons for the low TOC and mature organic matter in the shales from the Dohol Formation.
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Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS) analysis,Xray fluorescence (XRF) analysis,Major and trace elements,Scanning electron microscopy (SEM),Rare earth elements,Paleoenvironment
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