Solar Flare Forecasting Based on Magnetogram Sequences Learning with Multiscale Vision Transformers and Data Augmentation Techniques

Solar Physics(2024)

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Solar flares are releases of electromagnetic energy generally occurring in active solar regions with magnetic fields, known as sunspots. The burst of radiation released by a solar flare can reach Earth’s atmosphere in a few minutes. High-intensity solar flares, M- or X-class flares, can significantly impact some of Earth’s activities and technologies, such as satellites, telecommunications, and electrical power systems. Therefore driving efforts in high-intensity solar flare forecasting systems is crucial. A forecasting model that observes the evolution of active regions may analyze a set of attributes that indicate which active regions can be precursors to solar flares. Recent work has focused on deep-learning models that consider the evolution of active regions in the Sun. However, M- and X-class flares are spurious in the solar-cycle period. That situation leads to an imbalanced dataset, increasing the effort to develop machine-learning models for forecasting. Therefore we propose transformers-based models to forecast ≥M-class flares, taking sequences of line-of-sight magnetogram images as input. In addition, we apply data augmentation techniques and other methods to deal with training on imbalanced datasets. Our fine-tuned models outperformed state-of-the-art work using image processing to forecast ≥M-class flares in the next 48 h with an approximate True Skill Statistic ( TSS ) of 0.8. Moreover, the data augmentation techniques applied to the training set kept the TSS stable and improved most of the secondary performance metrics analyzed.
Deep learning,Image processing,Sunspots,Imbalanced dataset
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