A rare case of De Garengeot hernia: CT findings.

Maria Iovino, Anna Chiara D'Elia, Maurizio Rispo, Alfonso Rispo,Arturo Brunetti, Fabio Sandomenico

BJR case reports(2024)

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We report a case of "De Garengeot's hernia" (DGH), a rare condition that occurs when the inflamed appendix is localized inside a femoral hernia. The appendix may be involved in inflammatory or necrotic processes and the treatment is emergency surgery. It is usually discovered by chance during surgery. It occurs in 0.5%-5% of all femoral hernias. In 0.08%-0.13% of cases, the appendix can present inflammatory or necrotic processes due to the narrowness of the neck of the femoral canal; in these cases, an emergency surgery is required through a no standard surgical procedure. In the other cases, it is usually found accidentally during surgical repair of the hernia or more rarely diagnosed preoperatively by CT. Therefore, the purpose of our study is to report a case of DGH describing CT main findings in order to improve the preoperative diagnosis.
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