What Is the Cost of Weight Loss? An Approach to Commercial (Dry and Wet) and Homemade Diets


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Simple Summary: In practical terms, pet owners' lack of awareness regarding weight reduction protocols, coupled with the high costs of commercial prescription diets, often makes it difficult for them to adhere to such programs in the long term. This study addressed the costs of weight loss per kilogram of metabolic weight in dogs and cats, considering various dietary regimens. The weight reduction protocol, supervised by veterinarians, involved eight dogs and ten cats. The results indicated that the monthly and total cost per kilogram of metabolic weight was significantly lower when using commercial dry foods compared to homemade diets (p < 0.001), reducing costs by 40.88% and 41.01% for dogs and cats, respectively. Despite owners' lack of awareness and associated costs, it is concluded that commercial prescription diets offer greater financial benefit for pet weight reduction protocols, emphasizing the importance of considering economic factors when implementing weight control strategies. These findings underscore the economic challenges associated to pet weight loss and emphasize the necessity for cost-effective solutions to promote sustained owner compliance. In the context of the rising prevalence of obesity among pets, this study aimed to assess the economic aspects of weight reduction protocols for dogs and cats, considering the lack of information and the varying costs of commercial and homemade diets. The results indicated an average weekly weight loss rate of 1.02% for dogs and 0.92% for cats, with a reduction in body fat mass (p < 0.005). The cost analysis included an evaluation of both dry and wet commercial prescription diets as well as homemade diets. The results unveiled higher expenses associated to wet commercial diets, followed by homemade and dry commercial diets (p < 0.001). The study demonstrated that despite the initial investment, the long-term benefits of weight loss, including improved health and reduced financial burdens for owners, justify the expenses incurred. This comprehensive analysis provides veterinarians and pet owners with valuable insights into the economic considerations of weight reduction protocols, facilitating informed decision making and promoting pet well-being.
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Key words
companion animal,expense,metabolic weight,prescription diet,regimen,unconventional food
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