An Intermodulation Radar for Non-Linear Target and Transceiver Detection


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The design and the characterization of a non-linear target to test an intermodulation radar was performed using the AWR design environment Version 22 by Cadence software. Two experimental setups for intermodulation measurements were realized in order to characterize connectorized or antenna-equipped devices. Both setups were modeled using the VSS software available inside AWR Version 22. The comparison between measurements and simulations on the designed target showed a very good agreement. Intermodulation measurements were performed on connectorized devices present inside electronic systems and on various transceiver available on the market. This experimental study evidenced that the non-linearities of devices such as amplifiers and mixers are visible at their access ports even when the device is switched off. Moreover, this study highlights the ability of an intermodulation radar to remotely detect the presence of a particular transceiver, even when the latter is switched off, thanks to the specific frequency response of its intermodulation products.
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non-linear target,intermodulation radar,transceiver,electronic devices
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