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Investigation of Light-Scattering Properties of Non-Spherical Sea Salt Aerosol Particles at Varying Levels of Relative Humidity.

Remote sensing(2024)

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In the marine environment, sea salt aerosol particles transition from cubic or rectangular shapes when dry to various non-spherical shapes like ellipsoids and cylinders under different humidities. The complex humidity conditions and particle morphologies pose challenges to simulating the optical scattering properties of non-spherical sea salt aerosols. This study, addressing real environmental scenarios, employs the randomly oriented T-matrix computational method to calculate the optical scattering and polarization characteristics of sea salt aerosols at a wavelength of 1.06 μm under three relative humidity conditions (50%, 80%, and 95%) and three particle morphologies (spheroid, circular cylinder, and Chebyshev particle shapes). The results show the following: (1) In terms of optical scattering properties, the greater the non-sphericity of particles under the same humidity conditions, the larger the deviation between non-spherical and spherical models. For spheroid and circular cylinder sea salt aerosols, the error in the extinction efficiency factor mainly lies within 10–30%, reaching up to 120%; the error in the asymmetry factor is primarily between 3 and 25%, with a maximum of 75%, and the error in the forward-scattering phase function is mainly within 10–60%, reaching up to 180%. Chebyshev particle-shaped sea salt aerosols exhibit smaller deviations in optical scattering properties compared to equivalent spherical models, generally within the 5–25% range. Under different humidity conditions, the scattering characteristic parameters of sea salt aerosol particles for various non-spherical models show a positive correlation with relative humidity. When relative humidity is below 70%, the optical scattering properties of differently shaped sea salt aerosols are less affected by relative humidity. Above 70% relative humidity, the optical scattering properties of sea salt aerosols of different shapes become more sensitive to changes in relative humidity. (2) Regarding polarization properties, the greater the humidity, the more significant the impact on polarization properties, and as humidity increases, sea salt aerosols with higher non-sphericity exhibit more complex changes in polarization characteristics. The differences in shapes of non-spherical models mainly affect the numerical values of polarization properties. Under the same humidity conditions, spheroid polarization characteristics are significantly different from other models. In terms of depolarization ratio for aerosols, circular cylinder sea salt aerosols show the highest depolarization ratio at various relative humidities, followed by spheroid, with Chebyshev-shaped having the least. The effect of relative humidity on the depolarization ratio varies with the scattering angle. The higher the relative humidity, the more complex the variation in the depolarization ratio with scattering angle, with more pronounced oscillations in the curve, and the less non-spherical the shape, the more intense the oscillations in the depolarization ratio curve due to humidity. In conclusion, this study calculated the optical scattering and polarization properties of sea salt aerosol particles under different relative humidities and shapes, which is of significant importance for applications like 1.06 μm laser engineering and atmospheric radiation transmission in actual marine scenarios.
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Key words
sea salt aerosols,non-spherical particle,relative humidity,T-matrix method,light scattering,polarization
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