Deformation of the Indian Lithosphere from radial anisotropy: Signatures of laterally varying plate geometry beneath Tibet and hotspot volcanism beneath the Deccan Plateau. 

Arijit Chakraborty, Monumoy Ghosh, Siddharth Dey,Shubham Sharma,Sankar N. Bhattacharya,Supriyo Mitra


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The Indian Lithosphere has been shaped by multiple tectonic processes, which include break-up from the Gondwana Supercontinent, traversing over the Reunion and Kerguelen hotspots, collision with Eurasia, and underthrusting beneath the Himalaya and Tibetan Plateau. Seismic velocity structure and radial anisotropy of the lithosphere preserves imprints of these  tectonic processes and related deformation. We perform joint-modeling of fundamental-mode Rayleigh (LR) and Love (LQ) wave group-velocity dispersion, for periods between 10 and 120s, to obtain radially anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure across India, Himalaya and Tibet. 1D path-average dispersion curves, computed for ~14700 regional earthquake-receiver raypaths, has been passed through systematic quality control of signal-to-noise ratio (>3), elimination of multipathed energy using polarization analysis, and removal of overtone interference, by synthetic tests. These 1D dispersion data are combined through a tomographic formulation to obtain 2D maps. The tomographic parametrization is done using  4906 nodes as apex of triangular elements of side 1°. LR and LQ fundamental-mode group-velocity dispersion data at these nodes are the observation input to the joint inversion. The inversion is done in 2-steps, first by parameterizing the model as isotropic layers and using an isotropic inversion scheme to obtain the best fitting Vs model; second using this output Vs model into an anisotropic inversion scheme, implemented using Genetic Algorithms (GA). GA exhaustively searches the model-space composed of Vsh, Vph and Xi[Vsh^2/Vsv^2] as free parameters. The fit to both LR and LQ datasets significantly improve in the anisotropic inversion.    Results are presented as 2D depth-slice maps and cross-sections constructed using bilinear interpolation. The main findings from our models are lateral variation in the voigt-average Vs beneath the Tibetan Plateau at depth between 80-140 km. Western Tibet has high Vs and positive Xi, while Central-Eastern TIbet has Low Vs and negative Xi. From cross-sections across both regions, we infer that the dip and underthrusting of the Indian Plate beneath Tibet has lateral variation. The high Vs and positive anisotropy in Western Tibet indicates a shallow underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere up to the Tarim Basin, with simple-shear deformation. Where as, the lower Vs and negative anisotropy in Central-Eastern Tibet is a result of partial-underthrusting of India at a steeper-angle up to the Bangong-Nujiang Suture, and pure-shear deformation of thickened Tibet Lithosphere beneath North-Central Tibet. A negative anisotropy signature along the Reunion volcanic track is observed between 100 and 160 km depth. We infer this to be the signature of  Reunion hotspot volcanism in the Indian lithosphere caused by the vertical ascent of a huge volume of melt arising from the plume-head. Similar observations are also made beneath the track of the Kergulean hotspot. 
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