Estimation of Irrigation Water Demand in the Southern Mediterranean Region through Explicit Integration of Irrigation Processes in a Land Surface Model: A Case Study of the Tensift Catchment (Morocco).


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The utilization of water by various socio-economic sectors has made this resource highly sought after, especially in arid to semi-arid zones where water is already scarce and limited. In this context, effective management of this resource proves to be crucial. Our study aims to: evaluate the performance of the new irrigation module in ISBA, quantify the water balance, and assess the impact of climate change and anthropogenic factors on this resource by the horizon of 2041-2060, utilizing high-resolution futuristic forcings from the study (Moucha et al., 2021). To assess the ISBA model with its new irrigation module, we initially compared observed and predicted fluxes with and without activation of the irrigation module. Subsequently, we compared irrigation water inputs at the ORMVAH-defined irrigated perimeters within the Tensift basin. The results of this evaluation showed that the predictions of latent heat flux (LE) considering all available stations in the basin shifted from -60 W/m² for the model without irrigation to -15 W/m². This indicates that the integration of the new irrigation system into ISBA significantly improves the predictions of latent heat flux (LE) over the period 2004-2014 compared to the regular model. Considering the irrigated perimeters, the study results demonstrated that the model with the integration of the irrigation module was capable of replicating the overall magnitude and seasonality of water quantities provided by ORMVAH despite a positive bias. Exploration of the water balance at the Tensift basin level revealed the ISBA model's ability, equipped with its irrigation module, to describe complex relationships among precipitation, irrigation, evapotranspiration, and drainage. Finally, the assessment of the impact of climate change and vegetation cover for the period 2041-2060, utilizing high-resolution SAFRAN forcings projected to the same horizon (Moucha et al., 2021), revealed an increase in irrigation water needs. These results are of paramount importance in the context of sustainable water resource management in arid and semi-arid regions.
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