SS-DBSCAN: Epsilon Estimation with Stratified Sampling for Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise

Gloriana Joseph Monko,Masaomi Kimura

2023 International Conference on Automation, Control and Electronics Engineering (CACEE)(2023)

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Clustering algorithms are crucial in uncovering hidden patterns and structures within datasets. Among the density-based clustering algorithms, DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) has gained considerable attention for its effectiveness in various applications. However, determining appropriate parameter values for this algorithm remains a challenging task. This paper presents a novel methodology for eps parameter estimation for an improved DBSCAN, namely SS-DBSCAN. The experimental results across nine datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method in accurately determining clusters with eps value from SS-DBSCAN algorithm. The clusters identified using estimated eps values by SS-DBSCAN align well with the inherent structure of the datasets, yielding better cluster results than the manually set parameters and other methods used for automatic estimations of the eps for DBSCAN. Our approach adapted well to the peculiarities of each dataset, whether dealing with different scales, dimensions, or densities; it proved the versatility and robustness across various datasets, thereby emphasizing its generalizability and potential for broader applications.
SS-DBSCAN,eps estimation,density based clustering,stratified sampling,diverse dataset
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