Endophytic Fungi as Potential Bio-Control Agents of Soil-Borne Pathogen

Journal of Crop Health(2024)

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As possible biocontrol agents against soil-borne infections, root endophytic fungi, also known as fungal endophytes, have gained attention. Recently, it has been discovered that fungal endophytes and endophytic fungi found in plant roots are promising biocontrol agents for soil-borne diseases. These fungi can shield plants from the harm that root knots and rot pathogens can cause. They display characteristics crucial for long-term disease control in agriculture, such as the generation of systemic resistance, the production of antifungal metabolites, and the stimulation of plant development. This review examines the different types, underlying mechanisms, and relationships with plant pathogens. Using fungal endophytes as biocontrol agents in agricultural production systems requires standardized selection, application, and evaluation approaches. Fungal endophytes have shown promise as biocontrol agents for preventing the spread of soil-borne diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides, and increasing crop yields. Using root endophytic fungi and other fungal endophytes could improve pathogen management and the viability of food production. Supporting ecologically friendly methods and accelerating sustainable agriculture can be accomplished with the use of these helpful fungi. However, further study is required to explore root entophytic fungi and fungal endophytes that can dramatically improve disease management practices and provide more eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture.
Bio-control,Fungal endophytes,Soil,Plant disease
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