
Revitalization of Overcrowded and Unproductive Mango (Mangifera indica L. cv 'Dashehari') Orchard Through Better Light Interception via Canopy Management

Applied Fruit Science(2024)

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To revive the productivity of unproductive and overcrowded high-density plantation of mango cv 'Dashehari' planted at 2.5 x 2.5 m (S-1) and 2.5 x 5.0 m (S-2), an experiment was carried out at the ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Lucknow, UP, India, involving pruning heights-severely pruned (P-1) = 1.5 m; moderately pruned (P-2) = 2.0 m; lightly pruned (P-3) = 2.5 m from ground-and mulching (M-1 = organic mulching and M-2 = control). Findings showed that canopy volume from 2019 to 2021 was significantly higher in S-2 (16.19, 17.45 and 26.84 m(3) respectively). The interaction effects were found to be significant, with the maximum canopy volumes (30.56 m(3)) in S2P3M2, flowering (98%) recorded in the S2P1M2 treatment, while the maximum fruit numbers (68 fruit/tree) were in S2P1M2. Moreover, the fruit yield (18.53 kg/tree) and yield efficiency (1.41 kg fruit/m(3) canopy volume) were higher in S2P1M1 over the study years. Maximum 'A' grade fruit (84.33%) were recorded in S1P2M2. Findings suggested that in order to revitalise the old high-density planting mango orchard and have higher yields, it is necessary to plant the trees at a spacing of 2.5 x 5.0 m (S-2) with regular containment pruning at 2.0 m height. This allows for better light interception in the canopy and also protects the trees from infestation of pest and diseases thus ensuring optimum yield.
Canopy volume,Fruit yield,High density planting,Pruning,Yield efficiency
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