Error-Mitigated Quantum Random Access Memory


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As an alternative to quantum error correction, quantum error mitigation methods, including Zero-Noise Extrapolation (ZNE), have been proposed to alleviate run-time errors in current noisy quantum devices. In this work, we propose a modified version of ZNE that provides for a significant performance enhancement on current noisy devices. Our modified ZNE method extrapolates to zero-noise data by evaluating groups of noisy data obtained from noise-scaled circuits and selecting extrapolation functions for each group with the assistance of estimated noisy simulation results. To quantify enhancement in a real-world quantum application, we embed our modified ZNE in Quantum Random Access Memory (QRAM) - a memory system important for future quantum networks and computers. Our new ZNE-enhanced QRAM designs are experimentally implemented on a 27-qubit noisy superconducting quantum device, the results of which demonstrate that with reasonable estimated simulation results, QRAM fidelity is improved significantly relative to traditional ZNE usage. Our results demonstrate the critical role the extrapolation function plays in ZNE - judicious choice of that function on a per-measurement basis can make the difference between a quantum application being functional or non-functional.
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