On How to Measure the Subdivision Potential in Nanothermodynamics

Dick Bedeaux, Signe Kjelstrup


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We discuss a central concept of nanothermdynamics; the subdivision potential. We explain how it can be measured or calculated for some typical ensembles, as this has been disputed in the literature. We proceed to discuss its meaning for particular systems, and predict scaling laws for three ensembles. The laws depend on the small system geometry in a predictable way for an ideal gas model with surface adsorption. We provide new equations which relate the subdivision potential to experimental investigations, and give expressions for grand canonical ensembles of spheres, cylinders, slit pores and fluids confined in porous media. The subdivision potential is not compatible with the popular Hadwiger theorem in geometry, and can therefore not be described by a Minkowski set of variables. It is equivalent to Gibbs descriptions when shape- and size variables are defined.
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