Ophthalmologic Presentations of Incontinentia Pigmenti


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Purpose: To characterize treatments and outcomes in incontinentia pigmenti. Methods: Cases of incontinentia pigmenti were consecutively identified from a retina practice. Inclusion criteria were patients with incontinentia pigmenti with at least 6 months of follow-up. All patients had a full ophthalmic examination, including imaging with widefield fundus photography and widefield fluorescein angiography. Eyes with areas of avascular retina were treated with laser photocoagulation (except for 1 eye with mild changes). Results: Thirty-six eyes of 18 patients with incontinentia pigmenti were included. The median age at presentation was 11 months. On presentation, 7 eyes had a visual acuity (VA) of 20/40 or better and 3 eyes had VA of 20/50 to 20/100. The remaining 26 eyes could fix and follow or had at least light perception (LP) VA given the patients' young age. Of the 36 eyes, 20 (56%) had retinal involvement. The mean follow-up for treated patients was 6.9 years. Seventy-four percent of treated eyes required 1 laser session only. No eye that received laser treatment subsequently developed a retinal detachment. Of the 26 eyes with initial fix-and-follow or LP VA, 12 had Snellen or Allen VA testing at follow-up. Nine of these eyes had a follow-up VA of 20/40 or better. Of 10 eyes with a Snellen or Allen VA recorded at the initial visit, 9 had a final VA that was the same or improved. Conclusions: Laser photocoagulation was effective in treating patients with retinal manifestations of incontinentia pigmenti. Except for 1 eye, VA remained stable at the final follow-up.
incontinentia pigmenti,photocoagulation,neovascularization,retinal detachment
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