Information Technology and Value-Based Healthcare Systems: A Strategy and Framework.


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Value-based healthcare offers a pathway for enhancing patient satisfaction and population health and reducing healthcare costs. In addition, it provides a means to enhance physicians' perception and experience in healthcare delivery. The foundation of the said system is the notion that community wellness can only be benefited when the health effects of many people are also addressed. The provision of healthcare services incurs costs. However, a value-based model addresses this issue by establishing teams that cater to individuals with similar needs. This approach fosters expertise and efficiency, ultimately leading to cost savings without rationing. Furthermore, entrusting decision-making authority regarding healthcare delivery to the clinical team enhances doctors' professionalism and the integrity of clinician-patient interactions, resulting in more effective and relevant treatments. Currently, various information technology (IT)-based solutions are the main focus for accomplishing the desired value-based healthcare system. The establishment of a coordinated framework that can help organizations create value-based healthcare systems is covered in the current article. Additionally listed are many IT-based solutions used to create a value-based healthcare system.
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