Retroperitoneal cecal volvulus: a complication of a rare internal hernia - a case report

Imad Kamaleddine, Magdalena Popova, Theresa Angles, Manuela Neese, Beate Brinkmann,Erik Volmer,Marc-Andre Weber,Georg Lamprecht,Clemens Schafmayer,Ahmed Alwali


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Introduction and importance:The foramen of Winslow hernia (FWH) is a rare type of internal hernia. In one-third of cases, the cecum was found in the lesser sac. More rarely, the herniated cecum might be volvulated, which represents 1-1.5% of the causes of intestinal obstruction. Once diagnosed, surgical reduction and/or resection of the nonviable herniated bowel is crucial for a positive outcome.Case presentation:The authors report a case of retroperitoneal cecal volvulus that complicated FWH in a patient with a history of laparoscopic cholecystectomy.Clinical discussion:A delay in the diagnosis is associated with high morbidity and even higher mortality. Because of lacking a consensus, the treatment of FWH depends on the team's surgical experience.Conclusion:Reporting this case will help us to keep in mind this differential diagnosis while treating patients in our daily practice.
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Key words
case report,cecal volvulus,foramen of Winslow hernia,internal hernia,intestinal obstruction
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