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Effect of Agkistrodon halys antivenom in patients bit by green pit viper and the prognostic role of the disease - a retrospective cohort study


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Background and aims In Mainland China and Hong Kong, health authorities utilize Agkistrodon halys antivenom in the treatment of patients who sustained bites from green pit vipers. However, the treatment benefit of Agkistrodon halys antivenom among such patients is still controversial. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the coagulation parameters normalization time of Agkistrodon halys antivenom in patients who sustained green pit viper bites and explore independent risk factors of patient prognosis. Methods Data were extracted from the Donghua Hospital Information System. Comparison of the two groups of patients - who used antivenom (GPUA) and who did not use antivenom (GPNUA) were performed using stratified analysis, univariate and multivariate ordered logistic regression models to evaluate the coagulation parameters normalization time. Univariate and multivariate ordered logistic regression models were used to explore independent risk factors of patient prognosis. Results Between the GPUA and GPNUA groups, there is no significant difference in the coagulation parameters normalization time with the treatment of Agkistrodon halys antivenom. GPNUA consumed more cryoprecipitate and platelets and had a lower cost. The patient's severity of the bite, first coagulation profile, and dosages of fresh frozen plasma, platelet, and red cell suspension was found to be risk factors for the normalization time of coagulation parameters. Conclusions The therapeutic effect of Agkistrodon halys antivenom in green pit vipers bite patients is not quite satisfying. In addition, more attention should be paid to the first coagulation profile, blood clotting factors indices, platelet count (PLT), and hemoglobin when treating such patients.
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Green pit viper, Agkistrodon halys antivenom, coagulation parameters normalization time, prognosis
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