Monitoring groundwater dynamics in a mountain ridge using seismic interferometry: Influence of topography, local subsurface structure and meteorological conditions.


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Groundwater storage monitoring is now one of the most promising application of seismic interferometry techniques. In steep mountain environments, where drilling wells is particularly challenging, the use of seismic stations to retrieve relative seismic velocity changes could fundamentally advance our understanding of groundwater dynamics. However, very few studies have looked at seismic velocity variations at the scale of a single steep topography unit. Here, we estimate velocity variations from six stations covering a distance of 3.5 km on a single mountain ridge in the county of Hualien, Taiwan. One station was placed at the top of a ridge (900m elevation), two at the mid-slope of the topography and two others at the bottom (200m elevation), near the river banks. The aim is twofold: Determining how homogenous these velocity changes are and understanding the possible impact of topography on groundwater variations in a mountainous setting. Results from auto-correlations and cross-correlations are compared with meteorological data and other geophysical analysis. We identify the average hydrological dynamics of the ridge unit and connect the residual velocity changes to local site characteristics and upstream weather conditions.
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