Coastal Convective Clouds: Gulf-/Bay-Breezes and TRACER Insights


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This study delves into the characteristics of convective clouds induced by Gulf-Breeze Circulations (GBCs) and Bay-Breeze Circulations (BBCs) in the Houston-Galveston region. By using a machine learning method, we find that anticyclonic synoptic patterns prevalent during the summer months significantly contribute to the formation and development of GBC/BBC-induced convective clouds, constituting 71% of cases. Leveraging data from the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER), we discover that the main site at LaPorte, TX experiences the influence of both GBC and BBC, with frontal passages primarily occurring around 1300 LT. These frontal passages trigger boundary layer updrafts, fostering isolated convective cores characterized by short durition (63 min) and slow movement (5 m/s), particularly within 20-40 km from the coast, and maturing around 80 km inland. In addition to observations, we simulate these convective cases using the WRF model, demonstrating good agreement with TRACER data. Various urban schemes are then explored to probe the impact of the urban heat island effect on the evolution of GBC/BBC structures and subsequent convective cloud development.
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