Full Moon Phase: Lunar Surface Charging in Plasma Sheet - PIC Simulation


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Understanding lunar surface charging mechanisms is pivotal for unravelling the complexities of the lunar environment. This research utilizes particle-in-cell (PIC) code simulations to investigate the breakdown of plasma sheet quasi-neutrality upon encountering the lunar surface. Our simulation demonstrates that this disruption in the correlation between ion and electron densities instigates significant charging phenomena on the lunar surface. These simulations provide a detailed perspective on the intricate relationship between the plasma sheet and lunar surface charging dynamics, offering crucial insights into lunar environmental dynamics. Additionally, this study explores ion and electron dynamics in the lunar wake, extending up to several lunar radii. The findings contribute valuable knowledge to space weather studies and facilitate a better understanding of lunar surface interactions crucial for space exploration endeavours.   This illustration depicts the breakdown of plasma quasi-neutrality at the lunar surface, resulting in a positively charged lit side and a negatively charged dark side. It's important to note that despite the dominance of positive and negative charges, the total number densities remain equivalent on both lunar surfaces.
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