CME-CME-CIR interaction - comparison of "homologous" events from two different solar rotations 

Manuela Temmer,Mateja Dumbovic, Karmen Martinic, Greta M. Cappello, Akshay K. Remeshan, Daniel Milosic,Florian Koller,Jasa Calogovic, Filip Matkovic


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Solar cycle 25 might be close to its expected peak and related activity is at a high. In 2023 many complex events were observed remotely and measured in-situ. Some of them even caused aurorae in low latitudes, repeatedly confirming that the interaction between multiple CMEs, as well as CIRs, lead to extreme conditions in near-Earth space. We study a set of “homologous” events on the Sun, where several CMEs interacted and additionally interfered by a high-speed stream from a coronal hole. The two sets of events involve the same active regions and coronal hole but are separated by a full solar rotation. We point out the complexity for each set of events and aim to understand how the global magnetic field configuration leads to a general similarity in the activation of the CME source regions. The studied in-situ measurements are connected to the solar surface observations and interpreted by processes caused due to shock-magnetic obstacle interaction.
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