Modeling ice and olivine CPO evolution and its affect on large-scale flow in two-way coupled simulations

Nicholas Rathmann,David Lilien, Christine Hvidberg,Aslak Grinsted, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen,Klaus Mosegaard, Ivanka Bekkevold,David Prior


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We present a spectral-space CPO model that allows for efficient and seamless simulation of anisotropic polycrystalline flows at large scale, relevant for ice sheets and Earth’s upper mantle. The CPO model is two-way coupled with a bulk orthotropic power-law rheology using a linear grain homogenization scheme, making analytical and frame-independent calculations of CPO-induced viscous anisotropy possible and computationally cheap. The effect of two-way coupling flow and CPO evolution is explored in idealized finite element simulations of ice stream flow and mantle thermal convection. In both cases, we find that strain-rate fields are non-trivially affected, and we briefly discuss the consequences for ice-stream self-reinforcement and the coupling between plate motions and the sublithospheric mantle. This contribution is mainly focused on introducing our modeling framework “specfab” to the wider community.
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