Mapping out lightning processes in both the VHF and VLF using LOFAR and the Met Office’s lightning detection system, LEELA

Graeme Marlton,Brian Hare,Olaf Scholten, Mike Protts, Ed Stone, Sue Twelves, Francesco Devoto


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Lightning is one of the most destructive meteorological phenomena being a hazard to people and objects on the ground as well as aircraft. In addition to the strong currents and optical emission from a lightning stroke broadband radio emissions are also produced from the VLF to VHF. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) telescope centred in the Netherlands consists of a large array of VHF (30-300 MHz) receivers which can be configured to image a lightning strike in the 30-80 MHz bandwidth. The Met Office Lightning Electromagnetic Emission Location using Arrival time differencing LEELA system operates in the VLF (3-30 kHz). It also archives the raw incoming VLF data allowing the individual VLF waveforms to be analysed. From a lightning flash recorded in June 2021 over the Netherlands, 8 distinct events were detected by both systems. Here we present an analysis of these 8 events which include dart leaders, negative leaders, an intensely radiating negative leader and a cloud to ground strike. Initial results show that while both systems co-locate the events they are sensitive to different processes within the lightning strike process. VHF emission from a lightning strike is observed for periods of 30-40 ms and captures the development of the lightning channel. However, VLF emission is observed for much shorter periods of a few ms likely corresponding to the rapid vertical movement of charge during the strikes.
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