Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect in two-dimensional free-fermion systems


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The quantum Mpemba effect is the counter-intuitive non-equilibrium phenomenon wherein the dynamic restoration of a broken symmetry occurs more rapidly when the initial state exhibits a higher degree of symmetry breaking. The effect has been recently discovered theoretically and observed experimentally in the framework of global quantum quenches, but so far it has only been investigated in one-dimensional systems. Here we focus on a two-dimensional free-fermion lattice employing the entanglement asymmetry as a measure of symmetry breaking. Our investigation begins with the ground state analysis of a system featuring nearest-neighbor hoppings and superconducting pairings, the latter breaking explicitly the U(1) particle number symmetry. We compute analytically the entanglement asymmetry of a periodic strip using dimensional reduction, an approach that allows us to adjust the extent of the transverse size, achieving a smooth crossover between one and two dimensions. Further applying the same method, we study the time evolution of the entanglement asymmetry after a quench to a Hamiltonian with only nearest-neighbor hoppings, preserving the particle number symmetry which is restored in the stationary state. We find that the quantum Mpemba effect is strongly affected by the size of the system in the transverse dimension, with the potential to either enhance or spoil the phenomenon depending on the initial states. We establish the conditions for its occurrence based on the properties of the initial configurations, extending the criteria found in the one-dimensional case.
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