Geometrical and Numerical Analysis of Predator-Prey System Based on the Allee Effect in Predator


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This study explores the complex dynamics of the predator-prey interactions, with a specific emphasis on the influence of the Allee effect on the predator population. We examined the fundamental mathematical characteristics of the model under consideration, such as the positivity of the system and the boundedness of the solutions. We investigated the equilibrium points and analyzed their stability using the Jacobi and Lyapunov methods. A comprehensive examination was carried out on the geometric properties of the dynamical system to compute the five invariants of the KCC theory. In particular, the deviation curvature tensor and its eigenvalues are investigated to demonstrate the behavior of the system stability. We have also obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for the given set of parameters of the system in order to have the Jacobi stability (instability) near the equilibrium point. To visualize the dynamical behavior of the predator-prey model with the Allee effect in the predator density, numerical simulations were conducted. The investigation encompasses an examination of the system's behavior from both geometric and numerical standpoints, with the objective of attaining a thorough comprehension using few examples.
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Key words
Predator-prey,Allee effect,KCC theory,Jacobi stability,chaos
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