Occupational Radiation Exposure of Surgical Teams: A Mini-Review on Radiation Protection in the Operating Room

Avicenna journal of Care and Health in Operating Room(2024)

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Radiation exposure poses a significant occupational hazard to surgical teams working in the operating room (OR), especially with the increasing use of fluoroscopy and interventional radiological procedures. Therefore, exploring the importance of radiation protection and discussing strategies to minimize occupational radiation exposure among surgical teams in this mini-review are crucial. This review will explore the risks associated with radiation exposure, current regulations and guidelines, and effective measures for radiation protection in the OR. Personal protective equipment (PPE), such as lead aprons, thyroid shields, lead gloves, and lead glasses, is essential in mitigating radiation exposure. However, implementing radiation safety protocols, optimizing the positioning of radiation sources, employing suitable shielding materials, and regularly monitoring radiation levels further enhance protection. Education and training programs ensure that surgical teams are knowledgeable about radiation safety, while technological advancements offer innovative tools for reducing direct radiation exposure. By prioritizing radiation protection practices, surgical teams can ensure long-term health and safety in the OR.
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