Navigating the Statin Landscape: A Comprehensive Review of Stroke Prevention Strategies

Vinit Deolikar, Sarang S. Raut, Saket Toshniwal,Sunil Kumar,Sourya Acharya


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This review provides a comprehensive exploration of the intricate relationship between statins and stroke prevention within the broader context of cardiovascular health. Delving into the mechanisms of statins, we elucidate their multifaceted contributions, ranging from cholesterol reduction to pleiotropic effects on the vascular system. Through a meticulous analysis of clinical trials, observational studies, and mechanistic investigations, we underscore the pivotal role of statins as integral components in the arsenal against strokes and associated cardiovascular events. The implications extend beyond statins as standalone interventions, emphasizing the potential for synergistic integration into broader stroke prevention strategies. Tailoring interventions to individual patient profiles and understanding the interplay with lifestyle modifications and other pharmacological approaches present opportunities for optimizing efficacy. Recommendations for future research advocate for continued exploration into the long-term effects of statin therapy, novel intervention combinations, and refined predictive models for personalized risk assessment. On a practical level, enhancing patient education, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and addressing barriers to medication adherence emerge as crucial aspects for real -world impact. In navigating this evolving landscape, the insights derived from this review contribute to informed decision -making and advancements in preventive cardiovascular medicine.
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preventive strategies,pleiotropic effects,cholesterol-lowering,cardiovascular diseases,stroke prevention,statins
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