Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Unusual and Wide-Gap Phase-Change Chalcogenides: A GeTe2 Case


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Brain-inspired computing, reconfigurable optical metamaterials, photonic tensor cores, and many other advanced applications require next-generation phase-change materials (PCMs) with better energy efficiency and a wider thermal and spectral range for reliable operations. Germanium ditelluride (GeTe2), with higher thermal stability and a larger bandgap compared to current benchmark PCMs, appears promising for THz metasurfaces and the controlled crystallization of atomically thin 2D materials. Using high-energy X-Ray diffraction supported by first-principles simulation, the atomic structure in semiconducting pulsed laser deposition films and metallic high-temperature liquids is investigated. The results suggest that the structural and chemical metastability of GeTe2, leading to disproportionation into GeTe and Te, is related to high internal pressure during a semiconductor-metal transition, presumably occurring in the supercooled melt. Similar phenomena are expected for canonical GeS2 and GeSe2 under high temperatures and pressures.
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atomic structures,phase-change materials,semiconductor-metal transition | viscosities
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