Comparison of thermal tests before and after the free drop test of a radioactive material transport package


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The trans port safety of ra dio ac tive ma te rial is of ut most sig nif i cance, which is mainly based on the safety of pack ages. In ac cor dance with the IAEA Reg u la tions for the safe trans port of ra dioactive material, radioactive material transport packages undergo rigorous testing under di verse trans port con di tions in clud ing free drop tests and ther mal tests. The de ter mi na tion of the ap pro pri ate thick ness for the in su la tion layer poses a chal lenge, as it ne ces si tates the consid er ation of fac tors such as the dis si pa tion of in ter nal heat sources and pro tec tion against fire ac ci dents. Fi nite el e ment sim u la tion is usu ally used for the de sign and test ing of pack ages. The re quire ment of the cumulation ef fect for the drop test and ther mal test makes it harder for the fi nite el e ment method in test ing. In this pa per, a method for thick ness chang ing of in su la tion layer thickness in finite element simulation was developed and verified. A radioactive material trans port pack age is taken as an ex am ple for the cu mu lat ing ef fect of the drop test and the thermal test.
radioactive material transport,finite element simulation,thermal test
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