A late refugium for Classopollis in the Paleocene Lower Wilcox Group along the Texas Gulf Coast


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We report a new ecological refugium for the Cheirolepidiaceae family (pollen form genus Classopollis) in the Paleocene Lower Wilcox Group in the Gulf Coast of southeastern Texas based on palynological analysis of four wells. The Cheirolepidiaceae were once thought to have gone extinct at the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary or earlier in North America; however, similar ecological refugia for this family in the Paleocene have previously been reported in China, Argentina, and potentially the Rocky Mountains of the United States. The highest relative abundances of Classopollis pollen were found in delta front, lagoon, and shoreface depositional paleoenvironments marked by high mud-fraction Sr/Ba (a geochemi-cal proxy for salinity), and abundances generally increased down section in older Paleocene strata. The high relative abundance of Classopollis pollen in the well samples, the rarity of reworked Mesozoic palynomorphs, the generally good preservation of Classopollis pollen, and the similarity of Classopollis fluorescence spectra to other in situ Paleocene pollen all provide strong evidence for the survival of the Cheirolepidiaceae family in the coastal salt marshes of Texas through at least the late Paleocene.
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