An Empirical Calibration of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch Distance Method in the Near Infrared. I. HST WFC3/IR F110W and F160W Filters


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The Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB)-based distance method in the I band is one of the most efficient and precise techniques for measuring distances to nearby galaxies (D <= 15 Mpc). The TRGB in the near infrared (NIR) is 1 to 2 magnitudes brighter relative to the I band, and has the potential to expand the range over which distance measurements to nearby galaxies are feasible. Using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of 12 fields in 8 nearby galaxies, we determine color-based corrections and zero points of the TRGB in the Wide Field Camera 3 IR (WFC3/IR) F110W and F160W filters. First, we measure TRGB distances in the I band equivalent Advanced Camera System (ACS) F814W filter from resolved stellar populations with the HST. The TRGB in the ACS F814W filter is used for our distance anchor and to place the WFC3/IR magnitudes on an absolute scale. We then determine the color dependence (a proxy for metallicity/age) and zero point of the NIR TRGB from photometry of WFC3/IR fields which overlap with the ACS fields. The new calibration is accurate to  1 the F814W TRGB. Validating the accuracy of the calibrations, we find that the distance modulus for each field using the NIR TRGB calibration agrees with the distance modulus of the same fields as determined from the F814W TRGB. This is a JWST preparatory program and the work done here will directly inform our approach to calibrating the TRGB in JWST NIRCam and NIRISS photometric filters.
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