Striated composite layers of silica and hafnia offering advantageous properties for short-pulse optical coatings


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Monolayers containing subnanometer striations of silica and hafnia to form composite materials at varying ratios are explored as a method to develop high -index dielectric layers with increased laser-induced-damage thresholds (LIDTs). These layers can then be used in multilayer dielectric coatings for short -pulse, high -peak -power laser applications, particularly in regions of the highest electric -field intensity. Fabrication is achieved by means of exposure to two different evaporant vapor plumes, where local exposure to each plume is controlled via shielding to prevent simultaneous exposure. The LIDT of the resulting layers has been evaluated at 1053 nm with 600-fs pulses. The results indicate that such hafnia/silica layers exhibit LIDTs similar to silica for a refractive index of <= 1.65. These results suggest that the use of these layers in locations subjected to high electric -field intensity within multilayer dielectric coatings may significantly improve the LIDT, with this deposition process providing particular benefit for scaling to large -aperture, high-fluence components. (c) 2024 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
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