KRT in Patients with AKI and Cirrhosis.

Sapna V Shah,Mitra K Nadim

Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN(2024)

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AKI is a common complication in hospitalized patients withcirrhosis and is independently associated with increasedmorbidity and mortality.1,2The incidence and outcomes ofAKI varies considerably on the basis of the definition,etiology and stage of AKI, and the clinical setting.1,2Despiteinitial management of AKI, many develop progressive AKIor complications of AKI, necessitating the initiation of KRT.The need for timely optimization of volume status andelectrolyte derangements before liver transplantationadds to the complexity of managing these patients andintensifies the need for urgent assessment and intervention.There is currently no consensus regarding the optimaltiming or indications for initiation of KRT for patientswith AKI and cirrhosis. Here, we share our approach tothe management of these patients in the perioperative andpostoperative period.
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