
Hybrid Carboxylate-Schiff-bases As Electroactive Anode Materials for Potassium-Ion Batteries

E. Castillo-Martinez,E. Solana-Madruga, S. Ebrahimi-Koodehi,M. Leskes, C. del Burgo-Olivares, M. Linage, C. Martin, E. Sanchez-Ahijon, A. Gomez-Herrerp,V. Cascos,D. Avila-Brande

Sustainable materials and technologies(2024)

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Three new crystalline potassium salts of hybrid carboxylate/Schiff-base oligomers are reported as electrochemically active anode materials for potassium ion batteries. One of them is constituted by the phenyl "dimer" KOOC-phi-C=N-phi-COOK (BSK-1) and the other two by the isomer "trimers" KOOC-phi-C=N-phi-N=C-phi-COOK (BSK2 A) and KOOC-phi-N=C-phi-C=N-phi-COOK (BSK-2B). A structural model refined from powder X-ray diffraction data is discussed for the short (dimeric) salt. A pseudo-monoclinic unit cell, with space group P1 and lattice parameters a = 15.88(1) & Aring;, b = 5.772(2) & Aring;, c = 3.887(1) & Aring; and beta = 98.8(1)0, contains a single molecule. Crystal packing of the aromatic molecules can be described by a slipped n-stacking along the c-axis. All three oligomers are electrochemically active at voltages low enough to be used as anode in potassium ion batteries, at average voltages of 1.2 V vs K+/K for the dimer and 1.05 V vs K+/K for the trimers. Combined with 3.9 M KFSI in DME electrolyte, they show reversible capacities of 115 mAh/g (dimer), 233 mAh/g (BSK-2 A) and 104 mAh/g (BSK2B) at C/10, with capacity retentions at 1C of 74% and 65% for the dimer and the trimers respectively. Based on the dQ/dV plots, the trimers react through two solid solution mechanisms, forming a stable radical intermediate, whereas the dimer changes from a single solid solution to a solid-solution+biphasic reaction. Future in -situ x-ray diffraction studies based on the solved crystal packing should enable to confirm these mechanisms.
K-ion batteries,Batteries,Anode,Electrochemical energy storage,Schiff-bases,Carboxyllate,Structure,Microstructure,Coplanarity
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