Identification of solute transport parameters in fractured granites with heterogeneous apertures


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Fluid flow and mass transport parameters are greatly impacted by the fracture surface's heterogeneous properties. By quantifying the spatial correlation patterns of fracture apertures, this study intends to establish an upscaling framework utilizing Lagrangian-based transport models to estimate dispersivities of naturally fractured granite cores. To do this, the surface morphology of the fragmented core sample was photographed using a 3D laser profile scanner with varied degrees of accuracy. Following a geostatistical analysis of the fracture aperture data, common covariance models were fitted to determine the integral scale of log fracture aperture. This information was used to estimate dispersivity using the Lagrangian-based transport models, which only required the collection of fractured geostatistical data. The study also assessed how the dispersivities are affected by fracture lengths and the measurement accuracy of aperture data in this model. The findings showed that the fracture aperture spatial bivariate correlation structures follow the exponential covariance model. Additionally, while the variance of log fracture apertures is significantly influenced by both the data resolutions and the core samples themselves, the integral scale of log fracture apertures primarily depends on the length of the fracture. In terms of the fracture length, the upscaled dispersivities range from 2.35% to 7.21%. The development of upscaling techniques for estimating dispersivities in fractured and heterogenous granitic rocks and scaling them up to the field size for the accurate prediction of solute transport mechanisms can be guided by these findings.
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Key words
Fractured granite,Heterogeneous apertures,Solute transport,Dispersivity,Lagrangian-based model
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