Mercury in honey of stingless bee species from Brazil’s south, southeast and north (Amazon) regions

Natália A. Campos, Gabriel H.A. Holanda, Maria C.N.N. Recktenvald, Walkimar A. Costa-Júnior,Ludimilla Ronqui, Rejane S. Parpinelli, Josiel D. Froelich,Wanderley R. Bastos,Débora F. Oliveira

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis(2024)

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Food produced in regions with intense industrial or mining activity can be contaminated with heavy metals, including mercury (Hg). Human exposure to this metal can cause serious health problems. The aim of this study was to quantify and compare the levels of total Hg (THg) in samples of honey (n= 44) produced by five species of stingless bees, as well as to compare the THg values among the collection regions. Samples were obtained from three Brazilian states, one each in the South, Southeast and North regions (respectively Paraná, São Paulo and Rondônia, the last in the Amazon rainforest). The average THg level in the honey samples was 0.00060 mg.Kg−1. The results also indicated a significant difference among the collection places. The high variability of the THg values in the honey samples might have been related to the territory foraged by the bees and the types of plants visited, but not the species or their behavior. The divergence among the average levels found for the different collection areas could have been a reflection of the types of predominant industrial activities in the analyzed regions.
Mercury,Honey,Native bees,Brazil
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