Dynamic behavior of steel plates subjected to confined blast loading considering afterburning effect


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A confined explosion is often accompanied by the release of energy from the further combustion of detonation products, known as the afterburning effect. This can enhance the blast loading, potentially compromising the structure design. To determine the influence of afterburning on the blast loading and dynamic response of a structure, this study experimentally investigated the effects of explosions in confined spaces on the deformation of a target plate. The release of afterburning energy on the same timescale as the structural response was shown to have a significant effect on the blast loading and dynamic response of the target plate. Next, a numerical simulation approach that considered the afterburning effect was developed and verified by comparison with the experimental results. The simulation results indicated that the afterburning effect accounted for more than 20 % of plate deformation under the considered conditions and that the intensity of the impulse had a direct impact on the dynamic response of the plate within the saturated deflection period. These findings enhance engineers' understanding of confined explosions and can be applied to improve the safety and reliability of structures designed for blast resistance.
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Key words
Confined blast,Afterburning effect,Numerical simulation,Stand -off distance
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