Fast cooling rate enhances impact toughness in tungsten fiber-reinforced metallic glass composites

Y. Z. Wu, C. B. Jin, M. Y. Tan,F. C. Wang, Y. H. Gao, J. Xu, Z. W. Shao, Z. Ren,Y. Zhang,J. Q. Wang,J. T. Huo,M. Gao


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Ex -situ second -phase reinforced metallic glass composites (MGCs) hold great promise as damage -tolerant structural materials for practical applications. However, limitations in fabrication techniques have hindered significant improvements in MGC toughness. In this study, we introduce a novel experimental approach that employs suction casting technology with adjustable cooling rates to fabricate tungsten fiber -reinforced MGCs. The impact toughness of MGCs exhibits a direct correlation with the volume fraction of tungsten fibers, reaching its peak value of 42J/cm2 at a 16 % volume fraction. Notably, MGCs subjected to faster cooling rates demonstrate superior impact toughness compared to their slow -cooled counterparts. This enhancement can be primarily attributed to the rejuvenation effect and the resulting increase in fracture toughness within the MG matrix, a direct consequence of the faster cooling rate. The current research presents an innovative methodology for enhancing MGC toughness through the rejuvenation of the MG matrix.
Metallic glass composite,Tungsten fiber,Suction casting,Cooling rate,Rejuvenation,Impact toughness
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