An evaluation of the potential of agrivoltaic systems in Brazil

Lais Cassanta Vidotto, Kathlen Schneider, Ramom Weinz Morato,Lucas Rafael do Nascimento,Ricardo Ruether


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Brazil faces challenges of both food insecurity and energy poverty, particularly affecting its rural and marginalized populations, despite being a global agricultural powerhouse. Simultaneously, Brazil has exceptional solar radiation resources and the solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has been rapidly growing. Agrivoltaic technology (AV) can represent a promising PV application for more efficient land-use, combining energy generation with agricultural activities. While Agrivoltaic Systems (AVS) have gained traction globally, Brazil is still in the early stages of implementation, with only a few pilot projects so far. To assess the potential of AVS in the Brazilian context, a comprehensive study of the global state-of-the-art in AV was carried out, along with an assessment of the existing regulatory energy framework in Brazil and the diverse agricultural characteristics of the country. Among the results, the existing distributed generation regulations and financing opportunities offer potential, particularly for small-scale farmers, and the adaptability of the AVS can generate technical and social benefits across the diverse Brazilian agricultural regions. However, addressing challenges such as adapting the technology to local agricultural practices and conditions, the lack of specific AV regulations or guidelines, and the lack of specialized professionals is crucial. Drawing from international experiences, Brazil can leverage AVS to promote clean energy access and empower rural communities, bridging its agricultural and energy potential with critical social needs.
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Key words
Solar energy,Agrivoltaic systems,Agriculture,Photovoltaics,Brazil,Social impact,Small-scale farmers
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