Heterogeneous network influence maximization algorithm based on multi-scale propagation strength and repulsive force of propagation field

Knowledge-Based Systems(2024)

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Heterogeneous networks, like social and academic networks are widespread in the real world, characterized by diverse nodes and complex relationships. Influence maximization is a crucial research topic, in these networks, as it can help in comprehending the mechanisms of information propagation and diffusion. Effectively utilizing complex structural information poses a challenge in current research on influence maximization in heterogeneous information networks. As a solution to this problem, a heterogeneous network influence maximization algorithm based on the multi-scale propagation strength and repulsive force of propagation field is proposed. Firstly, based on the propagation field, we design a multi-scale propagation strength index for the propagation ability of nodes to achieve maximum coverage of influence propagation. Specifically, in the homogeneous structure, the homogeneous propagation strength describes the propagation ability of nodes. In the heterogeneous structure, the heterogeneous shallow propagation strength and the heterogeneous deep propagation strength are designed to exploit the local and global spreading ability of nodes using meta-paths and link prediction based on graph neural networks, respectively. Secondly, to ensure the minimum overlap in the propagation range of seed nodes, we designed the overlapping repulsive force between node pairs in the propagation field. Finally, considering the complexity of the propagation process of heterogeneous information networks, an independent cascade model based on meta-paths is proposed. Based on experiments conducted with several datasets, our algorithm outperforms baseline algorithms for solving influence maximization problem.
Influence maximization,Heterogeneous information networks,Propagation field,Graph neural networks,Link prediction
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