Life cycle assessment of n-caproic acid production via chain elongation from food waste: Comparison of shunting and staged technology

Environmental Research(2024)

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n-Caproic acid is a widely used biochemical that can be produced from organic waste through chain elongation technology. This study aims to evaluate the environmental impacts of n-caproic acid production through chain elongation by two processes (i.e., shunting and staged technology). The Open-life cycle assessment (LCA) model was used to calculate the environmental impacts of both technologies based on experimental data. Results showed that the shunting technology had higher environmental impacts than the staged technology. Water and electricity made bigger contribution to the environmental impacts of both technologies. Reusing chain elongation effluent substituting for water and using electricity produced by wind power could reduce the environmental impacts of water and electricity effectively. Using ethanol from food waste had higher global warming potential than fossil ethanol, which suggested that a cradle-to-grave LCA is needed to be carried out for specific raw materials and chain elongation products in the future.
Food waste,n-Caproic acid,Chain elongation,Environmental impact,Life cycle assessment
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