On Robustness and Generalization of ML-Based Congestion Predictors to Valid and Imperceptible Perturbations


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There is substantial interest in the use of machine learning (ML)-based techniques throughout the electronic computer-aided design (CAD) flow, particularly methods based on deep learning. However, while deep learning methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance in several applications, recent work has demonstrated that neural networks are generally vulnerable to small, carefully chosen perturbations of their input (e.g. a single pixel change in an image). In this work, we investigate robustness in the context of ML-based EDA tools – particularly for congestion prediction. As far as we are aware, we are the first to explore this concept in the context of ML-based EDA. We first describe a novel notion of imperceptibility designed specifically for VLSI layout problems defined on netlists and cell placements. Our definition of imperceptibility is characterized by a guarantee that a perturbation to a layout will not alter its global routing. We then demonstrate that state-of-the-art CNN and GNN-based congestion models exhibit brittleness to imperceptible perturbations. Namely, we show that when a small number of cells (e.g. 1 global congestion is guaranteed to remain unaffected (e.g. 1 adversarially shifted by 0.001 decrease in congestion of up to 90 by the perturbation). In other words, the quality of a predictor can be made arbitrarily poor (i.e. can be made to predict that a design is "congestion-free") for an arbitrary input layout. Next, we describe a simple technique to train predictors that improves robustness to these perturbations. Our work indicates that CAD engineers should be cautious when integrating neural network-based mechanisms in EDA flows to ensure robust and high-quality results.
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