Analyzing the correlation between groundwater tables and the area of Groundwater-Dependent lakes in arid region

Rui Zhang,Chenyao Guo,Jingwei Wu, Siyu Wang


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The groundwater table constitutes a significant factor in sustaining the ecosystems of lakes in arid regions. To elucidate the mechanism by which variations in groundwater tables affect lake areas, this paper presents a case study of a typical groundwater-fed lake in China's Hetao Irrigation District. An analytical model correlating groundwater tables with lake areas was developed to simulate and predict the impact of changes in groundwater tables on lake areas. The findings indicate that the analytical model adeptly simulates the lake area dynamics of the groundwater-fed lake cluster (Taerhu lake cluster) from 1998 to 2018, achieving a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) value exceeding 0.6 and a root mean square error (RMSE) value below 0.1 square kilometers. Maintaining a groundwater depth at 1.73 m ensures the stability of the lake area; a decrease in groundwater depth to 1.93 m would result in a 79.5 % reduction in lake area. The model constructed in this study offers a crucial tool for the ecological protection of lakes and groundwater management in arid regions.
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Key words
Lake area,Groundwater table,Analytical model,Arid region,Hetao irrigation district
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